

This is a beta release of WenSuite, namely WebSpace + E-mail + Newsgroup.

This demo aims to do testing the PPP layer of WenSuite, that's why only the DNS is important, enven if http is partly functional (picture load is disconnect).

A TRACE function is available, in case of problems to connect WenSuite on your provider, please send us PPPTRACE.TXT file (by E-mail or by post)

Place the SERBUF4K programm in the AUTO folder to expand the serial I/O buffers to 4Kb, this is necessary for a correct PPP function.

Other documentation
PPP Link configuration
Last modifications

OXO Systems
3/5, Rue des Varennes
E-mail: oxo@imaginet.fr Web: www.oxo.ch
(c) 97 - OXO Systems